1689.com Copyrights & Licensing Information

Unless otherwise stated on our website or its content (or is the property of a third-party), all of our website and its content is within the Public Domain and can be used by anyone without restrictions (and no attribution is necessary).

Our ministry seeks to abide by and uphold the Dorean Principle. You can learn more about the importance of freely giving of ministry resources at Selling Jesus. Lastly, you can learn more about the importance of removing all copyright restrictions from Christian resources at Let’s copy, church.


For any content on this website that is subject to copyright protection, please contact the original owner of the copyrighted material regarding licensing. For additional assistance regarding licensing inquires, you can also contact us or email admin@1689.com.

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If you have any questions or concerns about our Impressum, please fill out this form (https://1689.com/contact) or contact us via email at admin@1689.com.

You can also mail to us by addressing mail to: <PO Box Address> (coming soon!)